Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Best Homemade Battery Van De Graff Generator Help..?

Van de graff generator help..? - best homemade battery

I try to do a physics project for me .. I saw a reference to the page with a "DC Motor" ... which is a DC motor? Where can I get one? And .. What can I use the place? I want a kind of higher-level parts ..: D .. so my teachers would be totally amazed

and another thing .. What would be the best source of energy for it? Can I use a socket connection, or I should batteries last? What kind of batteries are used?

Super thanks for answering all my questions! : D


Anonymous said...

a DC motor is just what it seems. You put it in DC and rotates a shaft. You have the power to determine their needs. Your store will sell electricity, or Tandy, when buying electricity in small things.

Use of batteries, the network could be a little too dangerous for a school project. A small car would be a good choice and is likely to be very good for a couple.

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