Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dry Lips Vitamin What Kind Of Vitamin Is Good For Preventing Cold Score And Dry Hurting Lips?

What kind of vitamin is good for preventing cold score and dry hurting lips? - dry lips vitamin

Lysine and zinc. B complex is also good that your immunity is low at the moment - is feeling run down, often the cause of herpes labialis.


Diet Drama 09 said...

The water is surprisingly a little dehydrated this time of year everyone is bring in the hot and cold, dry wind flavor Carmex for cold sores, or the doctor prescribe some abbrev If ulcers are chronic this year, hydration time and with the help of Vitamin C all

gangadharan nair said...

Herpes simplex virus (Human Herpes Virus 1 and 2) often result in recurrent infections of the skin, mouth, lips, eyes and genitals. Common severe infections include encephalitis, meningitis, neonatal herpes, and immunocompromised patients, disseminated infection. Mucocutaneous infections cause clusters of small painful blisters on an erythematous base. The diagnosis is clinical, laboratory confirmed by culture, PCR, direct immunofluorescence, or serology can be performed. Treatment is symptomatic, treatment with antiviral acyclovir, valacyclovir or famciclovir is helpful for serious infections and, if started early in the primary or recurrent infections.
Antiviral drugs effective if taken when the virus starts back - before you see the wounds. If the virus is there frequently, your doctor may recommend you take drugs all the time.
Wash blisters gently with soap and water to minimize the spread of the virus to other areas of the skin. To recommend an antiseptic soap. Apply ice or heat to the environment can alleviate pain.
Measures to avoid infecting others
Please visit for more information about herpes simplex.

Tiffany D said... ...

This is a Wikipedia page about herpes (what a cold sore)

Perhaps you can find information.

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